The Legend of the Passion Flower (Passiflora)

The Passion Flower has always fascinated Bermudians and visitors alike. It’s color, intricate shape and many parts explain why. I think it also has a very distinct fruity smell of grapes and gardenia. 

Back in 1600’s, Spanish Christian Missionaries explained each part of the flower with the story of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of our visitors to the Perfumery ask me about this story, which I always enjoy sharing. As we enter the Paschal Triduum, I thought I could share it with all of you. 

Passion Flower at Bermuda Perfumery

The flower is purple: the color of the season of Lent

The five sepals and five petals: the ten apostles present with Jesus during his passion (excluding Peter and Judas)

The three stigma: the three nails that held Jesus to the cross

The five anthers: the five wounds of Jesus (hands, feet and side)

The filaments: the crown of thorns

The leaves with 3 points: the Holy Trinity

The vine: God’s attachment to the earth 

Every year, I have the privilege to give some of my Passion Flower essential oil to the Bishops of the Catholic and Anglican Churches of Bermuda. This essential oil is used to prepare the sacred oils and Chrism which will be used during the year by the priest to celebrate sacraments, such as Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony and the Anointing of the sick. This year unfortunately, we were unable to celebrate the Chrism Mass, which is very sad. I hope we can celebrate this great Christian tradition when we recover from this pandemic. 


Purple Passion Flower Lili Bermuda

In spite of these hard and uncertain times, I feel blessed to be in Bermuda, surrounded with my loving family and amazing community. Easter will be very different this year, but I will make sure to be joyful for all the goodness and beauty I am surrounded by.

He is risen! Happy Easter!


And, of course, our Passion Flower fragrance that is the treasured heirloom of our feminine collection, inspired by these unique and beautiful flowers. 

Passion Flower Perfume


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